A map for success as a single parent in this changing world.
On this journey of single parenthood, if we focus our energy on being courageous, we find that doing it alone becomes easy; not because our challenges have disappeared, but because our power to get through them has increased.
Becoming a thriving single parent requires hope, inspiration, energy, education, the ability to focus on a beautiful future and the drive to prioritize the solutions that reveal a better way to live our lives. Change is in our hands.
We are community of parents who are taking action and doing the work, no matter how small it might feel at the time. Why? Because the system is broken and we can either make excuses for our circumstances or we can make changes. We can't do both.
You don't have to wonder:
I'm a narcissistic abuse survivor turned financial analyst. I refuse to accept that the challenges affecting single parents today are "just the way it is".
I mothered my child with extreme burnout, neglected my mental and physical health and abandoned my dreams in an effort to increase my earning capacity to support my child.
Single parenthood can feel like walking in total darkness, but if we just take baby steps towards a brighter future, we soon realize that we are the light at the end of the tunnel.
i experience something so life-changing, that I change.
We facilitate something so life-changing, that others change.
John Maxwell
It all begins with a thought. We are the interior designers of our minds. We control the narrative.
Trauma Support
The pain of the past needs to be confronted to address deficiencies in the ways we view ourselves.
Treating the physical and mental illness caused by the crippling stress single parents experience.
Taking control of our finances and the psychology of building wealth.
Understand the legal system you are working within to create the best possible future for your family.
Join a community of parents who are changing their lives for the better.
There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river.
We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.
- Bishop Desmond Tutu
Learn from specialists in the areas of finance, law, mental and functional health, mindset, parenting and many others as they address the unique challenges of single parenthood.
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