The Financial Crisis No One Talks About: How Single Moms Are Left Behind in Wealth-Building

Talia Shewchuk

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Hi, I'm Talia.


I'm a financial analyst, narcissistic abuse survivor and single mom. I've spent 12 years of my life studying what a single mom needs to thrive, and I want the same for you, in a fraction of the time.

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Join us as we challenge the status quo in what it means to raise the next generation alone.

Nobody tells you that the moment you become a mother, you inherit an entirely new financial reality. It begins long before birth — before the sleepless nights and before you even hold them for the first time. It starts the second you see two lines on a pregnancy test.

You begin paying a tax that no one talks about. A tax on your time, your body, your career, your identity and your autonomy. You are an economic liability in a system that isn’t designed for a woman raising the next generation alone.

The Unseen Financial Penalty of Motherhood

The system assumes you will step back. It assumes you will sacrifice. It assumes you will make yourself smaller, quieter, more accommodating. Employers hesitate to invest in your potential because they assume your attention is on your new family. 

They aren’t wrong. Your attention is on growing a human inside you and preparing you for the most life-altering transformation you will ever endure. But the cost of this assumption is devastating for many single moms. It means promotions are delayed, wages stagnate, and financial opportunities shrink before your eyes.

This is the motherhood penalty, an invisible debt that compounds over time. While men experience a “fatherhood bonus,” where their earning potential rises with each child, mothers see their wages drop. A study by Michelle J. Budig, a professor at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, found that fathers tend to receive a wage bonus of approximately 6% per child, as they are perceived as more stable, committed, and deserving by employers. Meanwhile, mothers experience a wage penalty, losing approximately 5% of their earnings per child. And the effects of this wage gap are not evenly distributed — women at the lower end of the income spectrum suffer the most, paying the highest proportionate penalty for motherhood. The very women who can least afford it are the ones most punished financially for having children.

Why Wealth-Building Feels Impossible

Single mothers are fighting an uphill battle every single day. Every dollar is stretched, every paycheck already spoken for. There is no space for the future when survival demands every ounce of energy in the present. The mental load is relentless, making it nearly impossible to plan, to learn, or even to dream.

For many of the moms in the single mom’s support groups, the struggle isn’t just financial — it’s emotional, psychological, and deeply tied to past trauma. I speak to moms every day who feel completely cornered, carrying the weight of previous financial and narcissistic abuse. Their nervous systems are in survival mode. It’s difficult to process anything beyond the next bill, the next meal and the next unavoidable expense. When opening a letter from a creditor triggers a fight-or-flight response, how can they possibly think about their investments? Just some of the forces working against them are:

  • High-Interest Debt: Emergencies don’t wait. Credit card balances rise faster than they fall.
  • No Room to Invest: Stocks and ETFs are luxuries when groceries and rent come first.
  • Housing Costs: Homeownership is a distant dream, though everyone tells you it’s the key to financial stability.
  • The Cost of Time: Every hour spent working is an hour away from your child. Every hour with your child is an hour unpaid. There is no winning.

A Solution That Empowers Single Moms

The real truth? Single mothers are not weak. They are not victims. They are the most resourceful, resilient force in the world. They do not need pity; they need power. They need guidance and they need to be supported while they do their work.

That’s where our platform steps in. We are rewriting the narrative. We are breaking the belief that single motherhood equals financial struggle. We are providing single moms with financial and investment education, financial abuse recovery coaching and tax preparation resources that meet them where they are. This is in addition to resources in family law, mental health, functional health, career coaching, life coaching and more.

In our finance classes, we teach responsible dollar-cost averaging techniques, helping women start small, stay consistent, and build real wealth over time. But financial growth is only part of the equation — we work on changing a woman’s identity to that of an investor, settling her nervous system down so she can see her true value in the marketplace.

We have a resident recruiter, business and career coaches, financial experts, including advisors from Wealthsimple, and me — a financial analyst with a background in financial abuse recovery and behavioural finance. Together, we provide structured, strategic, and practical financial education tailored to single mothers who are ready to shift from surviving to thriving.

Our strategy is simple: teach women the game they can win — responsible, boring, consistent investing. Once they buy their first ETF, something magical happens — they begin to identify as investors. And when they identify as investors, they start asking more sophisticated questions, reading books and take additional online courses. Nothing brings me more joy when I get a message from a mom with a screenshot of her portfolio.

Through our programs, we teach women how to manage their own wealth, structure a well-diversified portfolio, plan for retirement, and step into their worth as professionals who command higher salaries. We do this with their unique circumstances in mind, applying design thinking concepts, nervous system support – in addition to financial coaching and education.

Shifting the Narrative

The financial struggles of single moms are not inevitable. They are the result of a system designed without them in mind. But systems can be changed. Cycles can be broken. And wealth can be built.

Single moms are not waiting to be saved. They are ready to take control. And with the right support, they don’t just survive — they become the one who breaks what in many cases has been generational poverty. 

Want to learn more about how we’re helping single moms take control of their finances? Take advantage of the 2 week trial membership in the shop section to access resources, introduce yourself and join the movement! I’m honoured to walk this journey with you.

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